Everyone diagnosed with a chronic disease deserves to know all the treatment options available to them and have a choice in the path they take.
Therefore, everyone should know about the option to try therapeutic nutrition, which is backed by mounting scientific evidence. Working with a knowledgeable healthcare professional, patients learn how to use personalized eating strategies to reduce or reverse specific chronic conditions or symptoms of chronic disease. Therapeutic nutrition can reduce or eliminate the need for many medications, reduce complications, and lessen the impact of a chronic condition.
44 per cent of Canadian adults are living with a chronic disease

of Canadians over the age of 18 are living with overweight or obesity
Canadians currently living with diabetes or prediabetes

increase projected in the world diabetes rate by 2045

direct healthcare costs of chronic disease to Canadian healthcare system annually
An individualized approach
Personalized therapeutic nutrition is a nutritional intervention tailored to the individual and designed to manage or reverse patient-specific metabolic dysfunctions, medical conditions, or associated symptoms.
While diets and lifestyle interventions have long been associated with preventing disease and promoting general wellness, therapeutic nutrition is more like taking an antibiotic to treat an infection – an intensive, time-limited therapy to improve metabolic health, followed by a long-term lifestyle change designed specifically for the person being treated.
When it comes to food-based therapy, we know that one size (one way of eating) does not fit all.